[Amps] HARRIS RF103 amp

Robert W5AJ woodr90 at gmail.com
Thu May 13 15:17:54 EDT 2021



UPDATE RF103 Amplifier 



There is error or inconsistency between the Schematic and the PCB layout drawing


R17 <-> R37


R18 <-> R38


are reversed on one of those drawings.

I am adjusting Lower limit with resistor connected to Pin 4 of diff Amp so think labels moved with resistors.


Links below 


working the Servo board on RF103

Turns coil “Down” but not “Up”

adjusted down on variable resistor at Pin4 of Diff Amp


At this Point, the Servo board will be removed to get to back side to start unsoldering and testing individual components 


If someone has manual showing UPDATE, gee what are these 50 years old now?? 








Robert  W5AJ

Midland, Texas

 <http://pages.suddenlink.net/w5aj/> http://pages.suddenlink.net/w5aj/


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