[Amps] 300Hz sidebands

Finn Hoffmann oz7yy at mail.dk
Fri May 28 09:07:15 EDT 2021

Hello Conrad,

It is not that difficult to find out, what is happening.
If you have 4% 300Hz ripple, a clas C amplifier will be platemodulated with
4% 300Hz modulation.
If the amplifier is class A, the platemodulation will be very close to 0%.
If class AB1, AB2, B, the modulation will be somewhere between 0% and 4%

A 3phase fullwave rectifier will without capacitor have 4,2% 300Hz ripple,
the same 4,2% unloaded and under full load!
If the rectifier is loaded with 4kohm, 2000V o,5A or 4000V 1A or-----, then
the capacitor will work as follows:
This supply with 4kohm load and 4uF or even 8uF filter cap will still have
4,2% ripple!
16uF filter cap will reduce the ripple from 4,2% to around 3%.
32uF and 4kohm load will result in around 1% ripple.

I do not understand why we see so many 3phase supplies with from 2uF to 8uF
I had the problem years ago, now I use 36uF filter cap., now the signal is

I hope this will help to see, what is happening.

Vy 73


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Amps [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] På vegne af Conrad PA5Y
Sendt: 26. maj 2021 18:39
Til: jim.thom jim.thom at telus.net; amps at contesting.com
Emne: Re: [Amps] 300Hz sidebands

Hello Jim, it is a grid driven tetrode in AB1, the G2 supply is shunt
stabilised and from a separate single-phase transformer. I can assure you
that the drive level and therefore the anode current does not vary the
relative amplitude of the 300Hz sidebands. This surprised me as well, but it
is -50dBc.

I would also like to understand the additional ripple reduction. 


Conrad PA5Y

-----Original Message-----
From: Amps <amps-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of jim.thom
jim.thom at telus.net
Sent: 26 May 2021 16:25
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] 300Hz sidebands

Date: Sun, 23 May 2021 20:51:52 +0200 (CEST)
From: "sm0aom at telia.com" <sm0aom at telia.com>
To: g0ruz at g0ruz.com, amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] 300Hz sidebands

On the schematic a choke, Dr 401, is shown between the six-pulse bridge and
the filter capacitor.
It is bridged by an overvoltage protector.

As you do not generate the screen voltage from the plate supply, modulation
from the screen supply can be ruled out.

Left is the 3-phase supply itself.

Made a "back of the envelope" calculation of the ripple reduction that a 5 H
choke and a 8?F capacitor is capable of; which in the order of 40 dB or

Add this to the inherent ripple modulation factor of about - 30 dB in an
AB1 amplifier and you should end up in - 70 dBc or so, The Collins gear I
worked on during the 90s usually showed a total 300 Hz ripple modulation of
-70 to -75 dB down at full power (10 kW).


##  whoa.   With little or no load on the B+  supply, the  300 hz ripple
should be through the floor.  Typ  3 phase  B+  supplies ( on 60 hz) and NO
filter, choke, nor cap at all,  are typ 5.2%  ripple ( 360 hz ripple in this
case of using 60 hz incoming mains).  The bigger the load, the  ripple gets
worse, normal.

##  what do you mean  by... the inherent  ripple modulation factor of
-30db in an  AB1 amplifier ??   Are  you talking about a grid driven,
class  AB1  amp, or also  a garden variety  GG, cathode driven Triode ??
This is a new one for me.   Where is this  extra  30 db of  ripple
reduction coming from ????

##  On my oem  Drake  L4PS  supplies, with oem  8 x 200 uf caps, the
ripple is 207 V  peak to peak, = 2.8%... =   -31db  ripple redux.   Thats
what I get on the  RF scope.  Plane as day with a  1290 watt dead cxr on the
scope.  I since tripled the uf in the drake supplies....to 75 uf....and
ripple is down to  1%,  69 V  peak to peak  =  -40 db.

Jim   VE7RF
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