[Amps] 1:9 un-un for grid driven tetrode

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 12:26:55 EDT 2021

Okay, thinking about this some more (rainy day here).  Firstly, I
apologize for sneering at this idea and those trying it.  More
information is needed for anyone to help in my opinion.

1.  What is the tube type.
2.  What is the intended service i.e. bias class
3.  What is the material type of the unun core, or is it an air core unun?

It would be best if the fellow trying this would represent himself
here rather than an intermediary.   I'm guessing the higher frequency
energy level is causing the unun to heat up too much.  It's either the
wrong material type or it's too small.   One thing I'd try is a 50 ohm
globar on the input to the unun, but that won't fix any core problem;
it will just make the driver happy.  I never use ununs or baluns here
that involve ferrite so my experience and knowledge is minimal.  For
that reason, I'm out of ideas.   Good luck.


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