[Amps] NCL-2000 retube

Fuqua, William L. wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Fri Aug 19 00:45:43 EDT 2022

   A pair of 4CX300Y tubes. Yes, they do use special sockets, but both tubes ($60 ea. new in can) and Sockets are readily available
on E$(#*. The have 400W plate dissipation. Bias changes will have to be made. The base is skinner than the the 4CX250B or the 4CX350A
thus allowing better air flow to the anode. The 4CX300A would work just as well. The 8122 plate dissipation was a bit overrated, however.
They were intended as a cheap alternative for the 4CX250B or 4X150A/7034.
  Bill WA4LAV

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Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2022 6:48 PM
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Subject: Re: [Amps] NCL-2000 retube

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