[Amps] transformer identification

Steve Bookout steve at nr4m.com
Tue Nov 15 19:13:15 EST 2022

Thanks for your input, Rob.

FYI, the picture was not taken with an audience in mind.  I just took it 
so I could remember the part number.

I think the AC input terminals were all mounted on a fiberglass terminal 

It is at a different location than where I'm currently.  I plan on being 
where the transformers location tomorrow.  I'll take some more pics, 
with some reference for scale.  I'll send them to anyone that would like 
to see them.  The pic I took yesterday, just about choked the reflector, 
so I won't post them here.

Steve, NR4M

On 11/15/2022 2:49 PM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> You have a transformer that appears to be on the small side but it's
> hard to tell with nothing in the photo like a ruler to scale against.
> The primary appears to be 1-4 which are not lugs but simply leads
> coming out from the coil.   What I think is the secondary has two
> solder posts, no CT so it is intended to be used with a FWB rectifier.
> There's no lug insulation for h.v. so I suspect this is a low voltage
> (< 1 KV) transformer.  It's odd to me that there's no center tap on
> the secondary, but that could be a 115 v. primary.  However the lower
> number leads are usually the primary windings.  This may be confusing
> but I can't do more from a distance.  I'd use a VOM to measure the
> coil resistance between the leads and see if a pair of the four
> (probably 2 and 3) have no resistance between them.  Those two will be
> the primary center tap.  Now you know the others are 1 and 4 and you
> can put 20 or 30 v. AC across them and measure your v. on 5 and 6.
> Start out with a meter like a VTVM set on 1.5 KV and come down as
> necessary.  put everything on an insulated surface and keep all clip
> leads and probe wires safely apart from each other and metal.  set
> everything up first before energizing the circuit so you can apply AC
> and take a meter reading without touching anything.  Shut off AC and
> change the meter scale and repeat until you get enough meter
> deflection to take a measurement.    Remember that most DMMs max out
> at 600 v. AC so using one can be risky to the meter.
> 73
> Rob
> K5UJ

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