[Amps] 10 KW CCS ON 6M...USING THE 3CX-6000A7... PART 12

jim.thom jim.thom@telus.net jim.thom at telus.net
Fri Nov 25 22:50:13 EST 2022

Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2022 16:59:45 -0600
From: Jim W7RY <jimw7ry at gmail.com>
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] 10 KW CCS ON 6M...USING THE 3CX-6000A7... PART 12

<The person posting all of the links to this mystery project is not the
<same as the builder.

<Not sure why the poster is doing all of the posting?

<73, Jim W7RY

I designed the RF deck.  I had to redesign the fil choke and the safety
choke...on the fly, in the middle of the night, due to the 3 hr time
difference. Scott is building it..and the mating HV supply. He doesn't have
time to post on a bunch of different sites and groups...and handle
the trolls, naysayers, general questions etc.  I offered to do that for
him. He runs flat out, with no time to spare. His day starts between 4 am
and 5am.  I post the short writeup, and link, to 6 x different amplifier

Jim  VE7RF

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