[Amps] ALPHA 91b

gudguyham at aol.com gudguyham at aol.com
Fri Oct 21 16:33:33 EDT 2022

First thing you want to do is remove the tubes and start amp up with no tubes and see what happens.

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On Friday, October 21, 2022, 12:01 PM, Terry Baxter <w6cbureau at san.rr.com> wrote:


My 91b quit a few days ago. It had been running most of the day, in
standby, and it shut itself down. It will not restart. Initial
troubleshooting found F3 open. Replaced F3 and it promptly failed. No
burnt smell detected.

I have popped the hood and disconnected the connectors to the PS board
and the fuse does not blow. That is a s far as I have gotten so far.
It appears there is a 40 VDC supply that feeds the voltage to K2 in
the step start circuit but it looks like it supplies voltage to many
other boards as well. I am suspicious of that circuit.

Just seeing if this is a common problem with hints at where to start
or if I will have to grind it out.


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