[Amps] ETO/Alpha 76 amp.

wb2aio at yahoo.com wb2aio at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 16 11:58:23 EDT 2023

I want to thank you for your replies for my problem.It turned out to be something such an easy one to fix once the problem was seen. 
I had removed the cover and started tracing the path. Doing so as I touched the probe to the input RCA jack, the wire from it to the relay moved with the probe! Apparently the solder had a life span and it had been surpassed. Soldering pencil and a little heat and fresh solder and it is fixed. 
Now my amp. can resume it's normal day to day operation, sitting on the operating table holding it down in case of high winds and waiting for its call to duty when a P5 or the two B's ever get on.Thanks again for the good replies you sent.73,Kathy w2nk

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