[Amps] World's worst coax connectors

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Sun Apr 23 15:59:01 EDT 2023

All this is interesting.    During my time working at colocated AMs and 
doing hundreds of remotes on sat trucks, I don't remember having to 
connect the shells of an xlr to pin 1 to eliminate external pickup.    
George Washington Bridge  seemed to work well.


On 2023-04-23 1:19 pm, Jim Brown wrote:

> On 4/23/2023 9:43 AM, jim.thom jim.thom at telus.net wrote:
>> ALL of my XLR cables I fabricated myself, were 1 pair, twisted, and 
>> teflon
>> insulated..and a woven braid, then the outer pvc sheath...(surplus 
>> telco
>> cable we tossed at work).
> Jim,
> AES Standards, like all REAL Standards, are produced by engineers 
> working in a very broad cross-section of the industries who will use 
> those Standards. Your application is but a pimple on the elephant. The 
> company whose advice you quote, while the designer of truly 
> excellent-sounding dynamics processing (for its time) for broadcasting 
> and broadcast production, also sells products with SCREAMING Pin One 
> Problems, one of which was among several I tested in the VHF-UHF-rich 
> environment of downtown Chicago. With properly wired test cables, its 
> RF susceptibility made it un-useable. This 2003 AES Paper documents 
> that work.   http://k9yc.com/AESPaperNYPin1-ASGWeb.pdf
> This AES Paper documents corresponding work on condenser mics from 
> Neumann, AKG, Sennheiser, and Shure. Although not identified by name, 
> the worst offender was Neumnann, the best was Sennheiser. When I showed 
> this to  the AES Standards Working Group on mics, which included 
> members from those companies and others, I did identify them. The 
> amusing part was that Sennheiser had by then acquired Neumann, but 
> their engineering groups were independent operations.
> http://k9yc.com/AESPaperNYPin1-ASGWeb.pdf
> The digital revolution has drastically changed audio signal 
> distribution for large scale production in the years since AES analog 
> Standards were written, but the stated practice was absolutely 
> essential when, for example, in medium to large scale music 
> performances two 32-64-input mix desks, usually at widely separated 
> locations, are producing separate mixes from the same mics -- one for 
> the audience, another for performers on stage. And there are direct 
> feeds from amplified instruments like keyboards, guitar, and bass, that 
> feed their own amps running on stage power. If the production is being 
> broadcast or recorded, a third mix in a truck is producing that mix. In 
> addition to their physical separation, the truck will have it's own 
> power feed. Those separate mix desks within the facility, or with a 
> touring company, were often NOT from transformer isolated splits. AES 
> Standards are written so that those applications are viable.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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