[Amps] : Re: Starting up a NEW Henry amp

Carl Braun Carl.Braun at cattron.com
Tue Dec 5 17:01:00 EST 2023

Thanks Jim

Indeed...one of those 20K resistors is open. I will replace this resistor along with the 50 ohm and 75 ohm resistors in the step start circuit that were open as well. Yikes. What happened?

After I install the new resistors I'll be pulling the tube out before I apply HV just to be safe.  Hopefully, some positive news later this weekend.

73 de W9LF

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From: Amps <amps-bounces at contesting.com> on behalf of jim.thom jim.thom at telus.net <jim.thom at telus.net>
Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 11:51 AM
To: amps at contesting.com <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: [Amps] : Re: Starting up a NEW Henry amp

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: Re: [Amps] Starting up a NEW Henry amp

Lou it uses a 3CX1200D7.

There is NO adjustable tuned input.  It uses 2 x un-uns in series. Henry
sez on the 3k and 8kultra ( same manual does both)  if the input swr is not
good, just put up with it..and do not use the tuner in the xcvr.

Carl, watch out if one of those 20K @ 100 watt bleeders is open.  The B+
will skyrocket with no load on the resonant choke input.

Jim  VE7RF
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