[Amps] 10 KW CCS ON 6M...USING THE 3CX-6000A7... PART 20

Ron W4BIN ka4inm at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 12:47:33 EST 2023

On 3/1/23 10:51 AM, Victor Rosenthal 4X6GP wrote, in part:

> If one of these isn't big enough, then you need to replace both of 
> them with a bigger one.  (higher ampage contactors)

   So true, when we get up in this power range we need to consider 
adding "snubber network/s" across the relay contacts.
Calculating the resistor and capacitor values is a bit complex, not 
expensive for the contact damage prevented.

   Other complex approaches like solid state relays making and breaking 
the connection/s with mechanical contactors holding the current
long term, have been done in some situations.

    Ron  W4BIN - Understanding is much better than
                                       knowing how.MX

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