[Amps] 10 KW CCS ON 6M...USING THE 3CX-6000A7... PART 19

gudguyham at aol.com gudguyham at aol.com
Wed Mar 1 13:17:28 EST 2023

Since there’s not a heavy load on the system at start up as compared to full load under operation I believe the three wires and contacts are to distribute the load under the full load in operation.  I know that NEC code doesn’t apply to wiring inside a unit but external of a unit where it does, #8 wires are not allowed to be paralleled.  I think the code allows paralleling wires, external of units to begin at 250 or 500 mcm.

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On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 10:51 AM, Victor Rosenthal 4X6GP <k2vco.vic at gmail.com> wrote:

I don't see the point of paralleled contactors. The critical part is 
make and break, not steady state current. The danger is that contacts 
will be damaged or welded together by the arc that occurs on make/break. 
One of the contactors is always going to close/open before the other, so 
the probability of damage is not reduced by having two. If one of them 
welds itself shut (happened to me), then it doesn't matter if the other 
one doesn't!
If one of these isn't big enough, then you need to replace both of them 
with a bigger one.

Victor, 4X6GP
Rehovot, Israel
Formerly K2VCO
CWops no. 5

On 01/03/2023 16:08, jim.thom jim.thom at telus.net wrote:
> Here, 3 x paralleled 8 ga Teflon wires (silver plated, and stranded)  are
> used to wire each side of the incoming 240 vac mains...to the pair of
> paralleled  3 pole contactors.  A 3rd contactor (double pole) will be later
> installed for the HV step start. Right angle drive to be installed on the
> small 240 vac variac, through the rear panel, so fil V can be dialed in.
> Incoming line cord is 3 ga....and is 10' long. Other end can be trimmed off
> as required, and will be hardwired into a small 125 amp sub panel, then off
> to main panel.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OokpV9aEG9A
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