[Amps] SCAM ALERT - Ham Radio Equipment For Sale "Moving To Australia"

Pete Smith N4ZR pete.n4zr at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 10:55:10 EDT 2023

I'm the moderator of RBN-OPS at groups.io, and even before I saw this 
message I rejected an attempt to post this on my group.  Good to see 
that I wasn't being over-suspicious.

73, Pete N4ZR

On 3/22/2023 9:32 AM, ve3rwj at winsystem.org wrote:
> I've already seen the scam show up on some groups.io communities I belong
> to. I'm not going to include a copy of the email here, but I will describe
> it briefly.
> The email claims to be from a very new Technician class ham in Texas, who
> claims to be selling many high-end Yaesu, Icom, Flex, and Kenwood
> transceivers. Why? Because he is supposedly moving to Australia.
> It is popping up all over the place, and responding gets you lots of lovely
> Here's a video someone just made about this scam.
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPoX7hCHILs>  
> Be careful online.
> 73,
> Chris
> VE3RWJ on qrz.com<https://www.qrz.com/db/ve3rwj>  
> Follow Me On Twitter<https://twitter.com/smartguitar1>  
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