[Amps] QSK between TS590 and LK550 - was Re: LK550 ALO/Meter board interconnect - anyone know...

wb0gaz at yahoo.com wb0gaz at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 10 15:04:17 EST 2023

 My work with a friend's LK550 is making forward progress (quick catch-up - the amplifier has had a history of faults and repair attempts that converge back on ALO/Meter board - now disabled - and QSK board.)

ALO/Meter board has now been de-powered (disconnect 12V from XMT/STBY switch to J1 DC input pin), taking the "overload" aspects of the ALO/Meter board out of operation, just leaving the basic passive meter scaling and protection components in service. The result is that a spurious short circuit (12V rail to ground, occurring in the ALO/Meter board) has been worked around (not concerned about the "ALO" functions of the board -it's a mess and appears it would serve no value at this stage). Now getting 12V when amplifier is enabled (via orange wire from ALO/Meter J2 to contact 7 on QSK board) as originally intended. This is forward progress and advice contributions over the last few weeks here have been invaluable.

Next step is to begin testing QSK operation (between TS590 and LK550.)

URL of the operator's manual I'm using to explore QSK integration at end of this post.

New question is this - does the TS590 support keying loop (so that the LK550's KEY OUT connector would inhibit the TS590 generation of transmit RF while the amplifier is doing it's short delay after getting KEY IN signal)? KEY IN loops out to KEY OUT with a time delay imposed by a NE555 on the LK550 QSK board. Should I try to interface the TS590 to the LK550 using KEY IN and KEY OUT, or should I use open-loop control (TS590 RL signal from Remote connector to LK550 RELAY input? The QSK board appears to buffer transmit enable from the transceiver (so the TS590's 12V 10mA limitation of it's transmit enable output should not be a problem), however, it's not clear if/how I should use KEY OUT to inhibit TS590?

Thanks again for the ongoing help as I/we work on resuscitating the LK550...




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