[Amps] Starting up a NEW Henry amp
Dave Harmon
k6xyzdave at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 14:45:18 EST 2023
I have a 3K Classic X MKll with probably the same relays.
I had the same problem once and I just clicked the PTT a bunch of times to
temporarily clean the contacts up.
Sometime later I saw some place selling these same relays for
replacement....might have been Radiodan.com
Dave Harmon
Sperry, OK.
-----Original Message-----
From: Amps <amps-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of k1ttt.dave at gmail.com
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 1:35 PM
To: 'Carl Braun' <Carl.Braun at cattron.com>; amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Starting up a NEW Henry amp
Yes, most likely relays causing loss of rx signal. Another quick test to
confirm relay dirt/corrosion is to leave the amp in standby and put 100w
through the amp, this usually temporarily burns a better contact path so rx
would work better after that, but going back to keying the amp might put it
back in the bad state again. Not sure what relays were used in that
vintage, but if socketed pull them and reseat. If not sealed try light
cleaning of contacts.
David Robbins K1TTT
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-----Original Message-----
From: Amps <amps-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Carl Braun
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 12:01
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Starting up a NEW Henry amp
I have some updates on the Henry amp(s) I picked up and thought some of you
may find the results interesting. Maybe some of you can help with some of
the issues that remain.
I picked up Henry 3K Ultra head SN 65-171 and its mate, the SN 65-171 RF
deck. Along with those two pieces came an additional RF deck; Henry SN
65-104 that was still in the Henry crate. I brought all three of these
components back in my 2005 Honda pilot. Left Wisconsin on Sunday morning at
6 am then on to Prescott AZ and back home on weds at 3pm. Once home, I had
two other guys help me up the steps with the 250# consoles to my ham shack
where I would dig into the amps.
I did a visual inspection of the head and both RF decks. The -171 RF deck
had a damaged doorknob cap but looked ok other than that. Replaced 50pf
doorknob. Afterward, I plugged the -171 head into the -171 RF console, put
on my safety glasses and headphones in case there were any loud surprises.
Fire extinguisher on standby. I flipped the mains switch on the console and
pushed the POWER button on...the amp jumped to life and a flurry of ceramic
chunks started flying everywhere. Hmmmm. I took the RF deck out of the
console and found ceramic debris everywhere. I found the culprit...it was
toroid across the tube that was loose due to its damaged ceramic standoff
insulator. RF Parts came through on that and I was able to install the new
ceramic standoff and resolder the toroid. All servo motors and tuning
working well.
The only issues I have with this -171 RF console are:
* HV and Filament voltages are high. Eimac says 5500V max at 6.3 on the
filament. Henry implies voltage on the plate at 3800 CW/4800V SSB or so and
the filament voltage at 6.3. Mine are at 5500V and 7.0V respectively. With
243VAC coming into the shack I will be re-tapping the plate transformer to
5000V and filament closer to 6.3v.
* When repaired, I put this amp on the air and noted a severe problem
with the degradation of the incoming signal when the amp was ON. With the
amp idling, I can copy a strong, clear station and within seconds the signal
begins to get scratchy and eventually gets so bad the signal is unreadable.
Eventually the band signals disappear on the scope. A simple tap of a CW
key brings everything back into clear reception for another 8-10 seconds
before the signal degrades again. This is happening on all bands. Checked
and cleaned input/output connections. Reseated tube as well as removed and
inspected bird element connections. Same problem. It could be the crappy
little guardian input relay Henry used to switch in the incoming RF? I have
to pull the RF deck again and flip it over to see if I can pull and re-seat
that relay. Suggestions?
After that exercise, I pulled the -104 RF console out of the crate and
plugged it into the -171 control head. I flipped on the wobbly AC mains
switch and nothing... After some quick inspecting I found the mains circuit
breaker broken. It appears it was smashed when it was placed into the
crate. I found a replacement Heinmann 40A breaker and installed that. Then
I threw the switch and the amp came to life. This amp had not seen voltage
since 1994...that was the date on the shipping crate sent from Henry to
General Dynamics in SoCal. I saw 6.3 on the filament and 3800 CW/4900V SSB
on the multimeter so I left the amp on to cook and walked away for 24 hours.
Returning to the shack all seemed well and I applied some RF to the amp.
Working like a champ. 70 watts in gets 1800 into the dummy load.
So, as it sits now I am in need of some advice as to why I see the signal
degradation with the first RF console. I plan on yanking the RF deck this
weekend to flip it over to see if I can see anything obvious.
I also need to know a source for the small push in bulbs Henry used for
their indicator lights. No cross reference in my Ultra or 3KA manuals
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
More soon
Carl W9LF
From: Carl Braun
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 3:49 PM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Starting up a NEW Henry amp
I'm headed out tomorrow am on my way to save a Henry 3K Ultra amplifier. I'm
in Wisconsin and the amp(s) is in Arizona. My buddy has gotten out of ham
radio years ago and still has this Henry 3K Ultra. He also has a second RF
console that came with it that has never been out of the crate. All of the
hardware was originally sold to General Dynamics in southern California. The
crates console still has the paper tag on it that shows delivery from Henry
to Gen Dynamics.
My plan is to get the amp and extra console back home and get them back on
the air. I don't see myself doing anything other than plugging them into
240vac, turn them on individually and letting the tube go thru a gettering
process for a day or so. These are 3cx1200D7 tubes with a controller that
displays plate and filament voltage so I can quickly see if anything is
Any other suggestions from the group on starting these amps up?
Carl W9LF
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