[Amps] 8410

Bob Sanders ww4t at aol.com
Thu Apr 4 15:45:18 EDT 2024

 Dick Byrd, the Alpha repair specialist, is near Atlanta.He has no equal in the repair of Alpha amps.service at n4uq.com  Bob ww4t at aol.com 
In a message dated 4/3/2024 6:21:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, amps at contesting.com writes: I have an Alpha 8410 that I brought back from the station in Martinique. It needs a new contol board as it does not turn on. Alpha wants $1600 for the part.[Amplifier Repair and Restoration - Island Amplifier BEKO RF-KIT USA](https://islandamplifier.com/amplifier-repair/)I would like to instead try and replace the MAX 7219 microprocessor on the board. There are various types of this micoprocesor that are being sold. Anyone know the exact part?If all else fails, I would like to find another control board, but not from Alpha for $100. The or purchase a replacement control , but not from Alpha.The unit is presently with Island Amplifier in California._______________________________________________Amps mailing listAmps at contesting.comhttp://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps

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