[Amps] MFJ

John Lyles jtml at losalamos.com
Sun Apr 28 23:04:57 EDT 2024

There is still a lot of broadcast FM transmitters in the US and 
worldwide using CPI/Eimac ceramic/metal tetrodes and triodes. Only need 
installs and stations with the bucks can afford to buy a new SS 
transmitter right now. Also, scientific market still depends on Eimac 
tubes, the larger ones. Fermilab in Chicago has a synchrotron with many 
4CW150,000E equivalents. HAARP in Alaska has at least 96 transmitters 
that each have a pair of 4CX10,000D. Where I work, we buy Y847C, a glass 
HV switchtube, from them (a recent design BTW) and we buy klystrons from 
CPI as well. A lot of science labs use their klystrons. I agree that the 
smaller tubes, sub 2 kW varieties, are not selling as much, and the 
price has soared. I would not suggest CPI/Eimac is out of business.




> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 16:52:41 -0400
> From: Douglas L<sparks06524 at yahoo.com>
> To:amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ
> Since virtually all broadcast transmitters and medical equipment has gone solid state, we amateurs are about the only users of transmitting vacuum tubes. With declining sales, prices have skyrocketed. Eimac division of Varian must be nearly out of business. Of course by jacking up prices so much, they have hastened their own decline.
> The Chinese are the only ones making glass tubes like the 3-500Z, 811 and the 572B.
> They?re also mailing most of the ceramic tubes like the 3CX800A7, even though they?re pricing it at around $900. I suppose we should be thankful for them. ?
> With the demise of Ameritron, as others have pointed out, there will be no sources of linear amps under $3000.
> 73,
> Doug/WA1TUT
>> On Apr 27, 2024, at 6:59 AM, Rob Atkinson<ranchorobbo at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> ?I think the glass tube amps are still finding buyers, along with the
>> s.s. amps.  If Ameritron continues, the ceramic tube amps will likely
>> be discontinued.  Those tubes are crazy expensive but the single 3-500
>> and 811A products seem to be selling well.
>> Rob
>> K5UJ

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