[Amps] Slow start-up of Amps on CW

Jeff in Mali: tz4am at aol.com
Tue Mar 12 13:14:59 EDT 2024

Thanks for the information. 
We're planning on getting ICOM-7300s for the radio club here in Mali. As long as they're used barefoot, it looks like they should be OK. But with an amp, there might be a problem. 
    On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 05:04:35 PM GMT, Paul Christensen <w9ac at arrl.net> wrote:  
 Although the IC-7300 is probably not at the top of a contester's wish list,
it truncates the trailing RF edge in all modes when used with an amplifier.
The 7300's RF Delay setting is useful for correcting leading edge
hot-switching but it does nothing to correct the release of the amplifier
SEND line before RF decays to zero.  Icom refuses to acknowledge the

What's perplexing to me is an almost rabid desire to own the most accurate
wattmeter but ops won't spend a fraction of that expense on an inexpensive
oscilloscope to monitor hot-switching effects.  It doesn't even take an
expensive RF sampler: often coupling turns of a wire around the amp's output
coax is enough to at least give an accurate representation of what's being
sent to the antenna.  Monitoring RF this way will assist in saving RF relays
from contact failure and eliminate CW key clicks.  

Paul, W9AC

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