[Amps] Tokyo Hy Power

Charlie Young weeksmgr at hotmail.com
Sun May 5 20:05:21 EDT 2024

Is anyone on here a participant in the Tokyo Hy Power users group?  When attempting to log on to this group, my antivirus software goes bonkers, saying this is an infected site.

In my shop right now for testing and evaluation are three late model THP units, two amplifiers and an autotuner. These belong to a good friend, who is disabled and residing in a long term care facility. His family needs to sell this equipment.

Unit One is a HL-2.5 KFX autotune amplifier.  This is a 160-10 meter legal limit  amplifier, except 10M is rated for slightly less output. This was built in 2007 and was used by my friend for casual DXing, mainly CW.  It was never contested and never used for FT8.  Cosmetically, it looks new and the only imperfections I see are some light smudges on top. Operationally, it is flawless as tested here on my bench into a dummy load.  We don't have any issues or questions about the HL-2.5 KFX, other than the value of it.

Unit Two is a HL-1.5 KAT autotuner, circa 2007, which was used with the HL-2.5 KFX.  Cosmetically, it looks new.  I have not tested this unit yet on my bench but it was operational when removed from service.  The only question we have about this is the value.

We have the original factory boxes for the above units.  I also have band data cables for Elecraft, Kenwood, Yaesu and Icom.

Unit Three is a HL-2500 KF. This is serial number 10 out of approximately 60 that were built (per the THP website) in late 2013, just before THP shut down.  This is a legal limit 160-6 meter amplifier, with reduced output on 6M.  It was to be the THP replacement for the HL-2.5 KFX.

This amplifier was never removed from the shipping box after receipt from HRO in 2013, until I just did it this week for operational testing. It is a brand new, unused amplifier.  I have powered it up and tested it on 80 and 20 meters so far, and will test the operation on all bands, including 6 meters.  However, I did find one issue.   The left hand panel meter is not illuminated.  I am going to investigate this, but have not done so yet.  So far, I have not removed any covers.  I am hopeful something just fell loose during shipping.

This equipment will be placed for sale as soon as testing is complete.  I may take it to Hamvention.  I would be interested in talking with someone who is in this THP users group or who has experience maintaining this equipment.

73 Charlie N8RR

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