[Amps] RF making it's way into a digital control box.

Ron W4BIN ka4inm at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 11:56:30 EST 2025

On 1/7/25 11:17 AM, Lukasz wrote:

>         The trick is to make the input to the problem relays to require
>     POWER to
>     activate them.  Feed a high current to those channels and drop the input
>     resistor divider down to the hundreds of Ωs.
>        Ron W4BIN
> This will be difficult . I can pull at most 4mA at 3.3V on the control 
> lines out of the uC board. That is not a lot of power.... I'm already at 
> over half of that, so realistically ... I can't pull more than 3mA with 
> a bit of safety factor.

   How about using the input power to the 3.3 Volt regulator, 6, 10  or
12 Volts?

> If anyone has one ideas please share.

   Ron W4BIN

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