I ran across this LCR meter the other day and figured somebody on here might be interested in it. It's a Leader LCR-740 analog type. I have one of these and it is pretty accurate. Also, you can use an external signal to test with allowing multiple test frequencies up to about 20 kHz I think it was. The dial on the left is for dissapation and unloaded Q. The L, C, or R value is read off the counter on the right and with the multiplier pushbuttons at the top. Just watch the null meter for the dip and or use headphones for the same. This one looks to have a calibration sticker on its face. That can be removed though for any Hams use. Anyhow, below is the link on eBay. It's at $9.00 now and really afordable. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=25421&item=7524611285&rd=1 Best, Will -- ___________________________________________________________ Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com http://promo.mail.com/adsfreejump.htm