Hi Kurt,
  A good (or at least gas free) 4-1000A should exhibit less that a uA of leakage up to 20KV.
  Check it cold.

  Also ensure that the glass is clean prior to the test.

73 & Good afternoon,
  Marv WC6W

-- "Kurt Lacko" <uncrichie@comcast.net> wrote:
I have a 4-1000 tube of questionable origin.  I don't have an amplifier to test it and before asking someone to drop it in their amp I want to test as best I can first. My Hi Pot setup goes to 10KV.  What voltage should I be able to go to (grid/anode)and what would be an acceptable leakage (in micro amps)at that voltage?  Should this test be with or without energized filaments?  Anything else I should do or know about.  Thanks in advance,  Kurt...
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