Offering the following items for the amplifier builder: A. 10-160m tank coil and switch assembly from a Heath SB1000.Complete w/toroid. Fully wired $45 B. Near mint Dentron MLA 2500 10-160m 2KW tank coil/bandswitch assembly. Detented for precise switching 2 porcelain wafers each with a pair of 2 pole 8 position terminals. Indexing stop allows for a variety of wiring options. E.g. Can parallel for higher power as well as tandem switching an input circuit and antenna load caps Fully wired ready to drop in. $145 C.Heath SB201 15-80m tank coil/bandswitch assembly Perfect $35 D-G HV plate chokes: D.B&W clone on teflon $12 E. 10-160m choke 2KW $15 F.SB1000 10-160m choke w/HV bypass and parasitic choke assembly $20 G.4KW 1" porcelain rod custom wound choke #18 enameled Tapped $18 H.Pair of fully wired tandem 3-500 porcelain sockets w/grid chokes and bypass caps.Like new $35 I. Pr of New 1/4" front panel mount vernier reduction gear assemblies $25pr All items + shipping Ron W2CQM/3 ________________________________________________________________________ FREE for 30 Days! - Holiday eCards from