Offering the following Drake L4B Amplifier parts all tested and fully functional. A.Face Plate Clean 1 scratch near plate tune Cap $55 B.Tuned Input 10-80m $65 C.Standby/Operate/AGC Switch on/off 100K pot $40 D.Cog Drive belt w/drive gears $35 E.Full set of 5 OEM knobs No scratches $35 F.Antenna changeover relay no RF burn marks $22 G. Pr of red/yellow pilot lights 110VAC tested OK $25 H.HV Plate choke w/all hdwe & mica insulator $25 I. ALC Board no cut wires $15 J.HV dropping resistors w/sleeve $12 K.Plate tune Vernier w/red pointer and mtng hdwe $25 L. Pr grid chokes w/sleeves $15 M.multimeter switch w/meter board complete $35 N. Drake OEM Filament xmfr (not shown) $85 O. (Not shown)Pr of Mint OEM front panel meters Tested OK $165pr. P. (Not Shown) Master on/off Red/Blk DPST rocker switch w/mounting hdwe $75 All items plus shipping from zip 18426.