Offering the following Drake L4B amplifier components. All have been tested and quality is assured: A.Multitap 110/220VAC primary filament transformer tests perfectly $85 B.4 gang antenna tune capacitor. No RF burn marks $55 C. OEM Filament feed thru capacitors .1 at 250v 20amps. $16 D.SWR/RF pickup PC meter control board Complete $18 E.Antenna relay activation rear panel socket $8 F.Pr of Mint L4B meters w/mounting chassis,pilot lights,blue shield hdwe. $165pr G. Pr of porcelain tandem 3-500 sockets. W/by pass caps. Silver buss bars $35 H. Rear panel male power supply socket w/all by pass caps $8 I.Complete HV rear panel interlock w/mounting hdwe $10 J.Main dual Red/Black power/SSB/CW switch. Tested and perfect condx. $75 All items + shipping for a digital see