Offering the following items for the amplifier or antenna tuner builder: 1. Padder capacitors 50pFd at 5kv $6 each 2. 2 brand new front panel mount verniers. zero backlash $25pr. 3. 10+1 tuned input fully adjustable coil forms. Most new. All mounting hdwe. Pins are threaded to ease repositioning $55 all 4.HV plate tune capacitor 44-255pFd .130" spacing Insulated 1/4" shaft extension 2-1/2-9" Like new $35 5. High quality Lapointe Co. antenna tune capacitor 35-1600pFd Super quality, hvy duty, small footprint. 3-1/2x5" $45 All items + shipping from zip 18426 Ron W2CQM/3