Offering a unique opportunity to purchase a near mint, later vintage Collins 30L1 winged emblem amplifier(#101XX)w/four 811A's. The internal circuity has an upgraded filter capacitor/bleeder board with 6 new replacement 180mFd 450VDC capacitors and new bleeders to eliminate an all too frequent component(s) failure in the high voltage section. New GE rectifier diodes have been installed. In addition, the board contains an integrated 12VDC power supply and intermediate relay to ensure solid state exciter antenna changeover compatibility. Parasitic chokes have been replaced with 2 pair of parallel 100ohm 3 watters. The amp, w/100w of drive (wired for 110VAC), easily makes 800w output on a Bird wattmeter/dummy load with 2000VDC on the plates. There are no issues of discoloration, bangs, dents, or dings and the amplifier is otherwise absolutely original. The tubes are bright with no discoloration. Prefer pickup but will reluctantly ship via the UPS Store. $875+ shipping Ron W2CQM/3