[antennaware] TET BALUN

Bob See n5pc@poncacity.net
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 10:48:04 -0500

I've never been here before so please overlook my inexperience.

My TET tri-bander model HB34D has been in the air for about ten years
without any maintenance.  It is now showing signs of SWR upcreep,
probably due to weathering of joints but could be a bad BALUN.  As I
recall the balun was made of abt 9.5 ft of coax coiled up with the end
coldered back on itself near the connector. The balanced connection
comes from near the center of this 9.5 ft.  MY QUESTION IS, can anybody
in the audience direct me to a newer/better design of this TET balun.
When I get the beam down on the ground, I might as well change out the
balun as well as do maintenance on all the joints etc.
I can be reached at n5pc@poncacity.net
Thanks, Bob See, N5PC in windy Oklahoma.

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