[Antennaware] 160 end fed half wave
Davor Virkes
Thu, 05 Dec 2002 09:19:04 +0100
I'm not sure about its performance, as it may be highly influenced by local
What I wish to suggest here is something that worked excellent for my club
many years ago (in Zagreb, Croatia). It was a wire HB9CV for 80 m band,
suspended between two campus domes at some 30 ft. It worked like a dream.
DXs every night, mainly overseas. we even did some breakers to local nets
in States (to their wildest astonishment).
I guess the main thing with low down antennas is where the current flows.
If you put it far away from ground, you'll get minimum losses. End fed
constructions are dependent upon ground systems, and if these are lossy,
elevation angle is not your primary problem. Even lightning protection
comes in front.
Sleeve or bazooka could be a better solution, and if you really have this
much room, why not trying HB9CV. Wire construction is described in
Rothamel's book, but in my edition feeding system was pictured wrong.
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