[Antennaware] longwire and grounding for second floor shack

Johann Van Tonder Burger Foto JVTond@dieburger.com
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 18:28:58 +0200

Hi List

I have been wondering about the best way to go about to put up a longwire
antenna at my location, which is in the vicinity of salt water.

The factors:

*	Next to my house is an open field, with a tree about 30m away, 20m
*	This means that the wire can be at least 30m long, and up to about
*	It also means that it will have to slope down as it approaches the
shack unless I put up higher anchors, which will be difficult.

The questions:

*	My shack is on the second floor - what's the best practical way to
address obvious grounding issues?
*	The positioning of the anchors is such that it would be best to feed
the antenna about 5m from the one end - that's the position closest to the
shack. Am I right in assuming that the best option in this case is end-fed?
*	What would the effect be of the slight downward slope?

Regards & 73

Cape Town, South Africa

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