[Antennaware] None

i4jmy at iol.it i4jmy at iol.it
Wed Nov 26 09:45:45 EST 2003

Hi all,

I'm in search of an antenna modeling software that runs under a recent windows platform, i.e. XP. 
What I miss in applications of that kind I know is an automatic antenna optimization feature, where gain, F/B and feed point impedance can be weighted, exactly like it happens with K6STI AO and YO. 
I find such an iteration quite useful, if not fundamental, expecially with complex antennas and arrays, at least as a starting point. 
But apparently I couldn't find yet anything like this.
Does it exist a NEC or Mininec based application for win98/XP with automatic optimization ?  

Mauri, I4JMY

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