[Antennaware] Traps

Frank fravin at glocalnet.net
Sun Dec 11 04:33:15 EST 2005

I follow with great interest the discussion regarding using a trap in the inverted L-config for the
80/160m bands.
Iam in the processing of building one antennas and was thinking of more like a battle creek antenna without the 40M trap.But then I recall someone writing somewhere about using a  LC parallell
circuit designed for the geometrical center of the two freq. i.e for 1.82 and 3.6 = 2.56 Mhz
As i understand on 160m the lc-circuit would act as a inductor  and on 80M would act as a capacitor thereby using the whole antenna on both bands.Could a coaxial trap be used for this
and where on the antenna would this be placed ?
Has anyone tried this ?


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