[Antennaware] wtd YO7 [yo7pro] and AO optimiser software

4nec2@gmx.net 4nec2 at gmx.net
Wed Dec 21 03:20:29 EST 2005

Ed wrote:

> Just my own observation, but I have found all the "optimizer" programs
> equally poor at doing a true job.
> Mininec is just not a viable solution. It's a little expensive, but
> either EZNEC, EZNEC 3, or my latest program, EZWIN4 Pro can, with a
> little work, produce outstanding results.

Just my observation..., I do not (yet?) see what could be done using EZNEC
or NecWin+ that could not be done (maybe requiring a little more effort)
using Multinec or 4nec2. Besides that both Multinec and 4nec2 provide
additional features. No person however is obliged to use these extra
features. Furthermore both programs are capable of using a Nec4 engine.

Was not yet aware about the EZWIN4 program, but will see what I can find
about it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us,


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