[Antennaware] Terminated Vertical

K9AY k9ay at k9ay.com
Thu Dec 27 17:10:53 EST 2007

Oops, I need to retract the statement:

> In the process, I did discover an antenna with a good hemispherical 
> pattern
> (omnidirectional in both azimuth and elevation) -- two K9AY Loops placed
> side-by side (in parallel, spaced several feet apart), oriented in 
> opposite
> directions and fed with 180 deg. phase shift. This might be useful for
> something, since hemispherical patterns are typically hard to obtain.

The above configuration has a null straight up, like a vertical. This is the 
closest I came to broadband "element" with a well-controlled feedpoint 

There was some other configuration that provided near-hemispherical 
coverage, but I didn't save the file in EZNEC and can't recall what it was.

73, Gary

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