[Antennaware] FW: J-Pole

Matt maflukey at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 22:48:00 EDT 2014

Wow - lots of folks asked for copies the J-Pole plans.  In my original post
I should have given credit to Nylo, N1LO, who made the plans available to me
- so let me give him the credit here.    It will be much easier to download
them from his site rather than to email them to everyone who asked.










From: k4grd at juno.com [mailto:k4grd at juno.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 11:34 AM
To: maflukey at gmail.com
Subject: J-Pole



I would appreciate it if you would
email me those HF drawings too.

Thanks,  Bob

Just emailed you some plans for a few HF J-poles that you might be
interested in.   Not sure if I got your email correct to please let me know
if you don't receive them.

 <http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3132/53e259279d79659270792st04vuc> The
End of the "Made-In-China" Era
The impossible (but real) technology that could make you impossibly rich.

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