[Antennaware] Phased Verticals

Karin Johnson karinann at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Nov 1 14:56:29 EDT 2016

Hi Don:
At this point I am not trying to equate simulation with real world
performance.  Since I am not in the actual building phase just yet, the
Only thing I am trying to accomplish is to understand some of the tradeoffs
In the design of the phasors and matching network.  Especially being able
To switch directions without a totally complicated set of matching networks.
The complex math and physics I can handle.  It is the actual implementation
in a simulated world
For now that I am trying to address.  I know that there will be a lot of
variables when I get to the actual site build.  Luckily, or not, I do have 
The required test equipment and patients to accomplish the required
engineering to get the array working.  

Karin   K3UU
-----Original Message-----
From: donroden at hiwaay.net [mailto:donroden at hiwaay.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 2:35 PM
To: Karin Johnson
Subject: Re: [Antennaware] Phased Verticals

Welcome to the world of "Antenna Snake-Oil".

I have been in AM Broadcast radio for 40 years, and I was always  
fortunate to have had a large budget for installing 120 full length  
radials and 120 half-sized radials and usually in great soil  
conductivity like swamps and wet bogs.

Even then, the formulas only came " close ".

So, without a flat piece of copper out to several wavelengths, real  
world values will float around as the seasons change


Quoting Karin Johnson <karinann at tampabay.rr.com>:

> Well some progress has been made.  I've ordered Low Band DXing to obtain
> Complete software CD so I can be a bit more efficient in my modeling
> efforts.
> I did complete my own spreadsheet to compute the mutual and driving point
> Impedances for a two element setup.  I agrees with some of the ON4UN
> Spreadsheets that someone else has sent to me.  So in my own mind I am
> getting
> To feel comfortable with understanding some of the physics behind phased
> Vertical systems.   I do have advanced degrees in Math and Engineering so
> I'm no novice to complex numbers and issues around designing matching
> networks.
> The esoteric things like inductive and capacitive voltage dividers used in
> Phasor
> Networks is starting to make some sense now.
> What sort of has me baffled a bit is that looking at what Array Solutions
> has
> Available for a triangle array Phasor, doesn't seem to take into account
> Large difference in driving point impedances when switching directions.
> Array Solutions triangle box only works for 50 ohm loads at each port to
> guarantee
> the phases required at each antenna port.  In other words it only does the
> phasor
> portion of the antenna system, not the complex impedance matching required
> at
> each antenna.  The matching networks required at each antenna will
> contribute
> a phase shift of the driving current.
> For example for a triangle array of three 40M verticals spaced 0.29
> wavelengths,
> The driving point impedance calculated for direction 1 is:
> EL1 = 60.16 + 12.29
> EL2 = 16.42 - 43.29
> EL3 = 16.42 - 43.29
> Elements 2 and 3 are driven with a current magnitude of 0.5 angle of +90,
> Element
> 1 is driven with a current magnitude of 1 angle of 0.  The far field plot
> in the
> Direction (or off the end) of the Element 1 direction.  Elements 2 and 3
> behind
> Element 1.
> If one were to switch directions and there were matching networks at the
> base of
> Each vertical the complete matching network would have to be changed.
> I can't seem to get my head around a solution just yet.  More research on
> part
> Is certainly required.
> This is a fun project for me so far.
> Eventually some time early next year I like to get started building this
> array.
> I know what most folks might say just put it up and have fun but I'm the
> type
> Of person to know the physics and math behind what works and what doesn't
> work.
> Regards,
> Karin    K3UU
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