[Antennaware] Tower in Florida

Ken, W8EK kenw8ek at gmail.com
Sat Dec 11 15:15:55 EST 2021

The following Tower is available for pick up near Ocala, FL, just
off of I-75:


Rohn Tower:

This is the triangular type tower that is about
a foot on each side and in 10 foot sections.
I have three regular sections and one "top"
section available. The top section is just a
bit shorter than the regular sections.

This tower is in good shape. I do not see
rust on it. All of the galvanizing is good.

It appears that this sells for over $150 a
section new. Buy this for $70 for the regular
sections, and $100 for the top section.
Or buy all four for $250, picked up near Ocala, FL.


I also have many other accessories available such as many
different types of microphones, HTs, VHF and UHF rigs, HF
and VHF/UHF antennas, connectors, miscellaneous accessories,
Just too many to list here. Please e-mail your requests.

Prices do not include shipping from Florida.



Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-mail to W8EK at FLHam.net or W8EK at arrl.net
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400


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