[CCF] ** The 7th International Contest / DX meeting in FINLAND, on 19-21 January, 2001!

Pasi Luoma-aho pasi.luoma-aho@sysopen.fi
Sun, 03 Dec 2000 14:38:29 +0200

* The 7th International Contest / DX meeting in FINLAND, on 19-21
January, 2001! *

Dear fellow Contesters / DXers!   It’s time to summarize year 2000 – and
there sure is a LOT to summarize and talk about, isn’t there.

Contest Club Finland (CCF) gladly once again calls all the contesters /
DXers around the whole contesting / DXing world to come and join the
great contesting / DXing company and atmosphere in the CCF’s 7th annual
Contest / DX meeting, held on 19-21 January, 2001.

Please *BOOK NOW* the second latest weekend of January 2001, the weekend
just before CQ 160m CW, for visiting this  great and unforgettable
contest / DX event!

Come to hear and see, what Ville OH2MM/EA8EA – multi time CQWW single op
World Winner - has to say in his presentation on “Staying without sleep
for 48 hours – a medical opinion”.

Come to hear and learn about “the contesting adventures on 4 continents:
C53AA, DX1EA, PZ5JR/8R1K, OH0XX/EA4BQ  - tips on how to keep contesting
FUN ”  by Olli OH0XX himself”.

An *interactive panel discussion* on “the future of contesting ” –
manned by world top class contesters – will be one of the highlights of
the weekend.  What’s happened to contesting over the past few years?
Where is contesting going to?  How can a “little pistol” keep up with

Etc. etc.    Other interesting contesting / DXing related presentations
are yet to be included to the agenda.

Just DON’T MISS this meeting!

Forget all thoughts of possible low mid-January temperatures in these
northern latitudes.  Instead, come to enjoy the mid-winter *TROPIC* in
Finland!  The January 2001 meeting will be held in a *tropical*
environment in Tampere Spa Hotel, about 150 km North of Helsinki.

Come and enjoy the great contest / DX related presentations by world top
class contesters / DXers, not to mention the excellent “rag-chewing”
company of all the fellows so familiar to you from all those big
pile-ups!   In the previous meeting we had already 40+ foreign visitors
from CT, DL, ES, G, HA, JA, LA, OZ, UA, SM, W, YL and ZS, not to forget
the 100+ OH/OH0 contesters / DXers!

The meeting starts with an enjoyable “gettogether” on Friday evening.
Saturday will be our “day of presentations” (all in English), and when
Saturday evening arrives - it’s “party time”!   Sunday is more or less
the day of getting back home, but we try to arrange e.g. some local
sight-seeing tours for those with less tight time-schedules.

All the activities will take place in the Tampere Spa Hotel.

Detailed information of accommodation, how to get to Tampere (by flight,
by train), the Contest / DX dinner on Saturday, January 20th  , etc.
can be found on CCF’s www-pages at http://ccf.contesting.com

If you need more information of the local arrangements (+ flights,
timetables and accommodation) in Tampere, please contact mr Seppo
Sisättö OH1VR/OH3MMM, e-mail:  tisesi@uta.fi , tel. +358-50-1372

Please also inform mr Pasi Luoma-aho OH2IW (OH6UM) of your coming (and
of your travel plans) as soon as possible, e-mail: oh2iw@sral.fi , tel.
+358-400-436543 (mobile).

73 & CU in Tampere, FINLAND, on 19-21 January, 2001!

Contest Club Finland (CCF)

NOTE:  If you happen to have some contest related stories or
presentations that you would like to share with the audience, let us
know!  The agenda is still quite “dynamic”. ;-)

** PLEASE FORWARD THIS INFORMATION ** to your fellow contesters / DXers
via e-mail, www-pages, packet, bulletins, newsletters, magazines, qsos,
“eye-ball”, etc.

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ccffaq.html
Submissions:              ccf@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ccf-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ccf@contesting.com