[CCF] Vl: score for CCF

Kari Lehtimaki, OH2XX oh2xx@sral.fi
Tue, 6 Jun 2000 23:00:29 +0300

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T=E4llaisia terveisi=E4 tuli tosiaan S52Z ryhm=E4lt=E4. Mink=E4s sille =
mahtaa, ett=E4 kaverit on lupaa kysym=E4tt=E4 pist=E4neet kerhoksi =
CCF:n. Tarkemmista motiiveista ei ole tietoa, mutta eik=F6s se ole niin, =
ett=E4 lahjahevosen suuhun ei ole tapana katsella. Asianmukaiset =
kiitokset tuesta on l=E4hetetty. Tulkintakysymykset j=E4=E4 sitten =
N8BJQ:n ja kilpailukomitean huoleksi.

CCF:ss=E4 on selv=E4stikin vastustamatonta vetovoimaa.

73 de Kari, OH2XX

-----Alkuper=E4inen viesti-----
L=E4hett=E4j=E4: Goran ANDRIC, S55OO <s55oo@lea.hamradio.si>
Vastaanottaja: oh2xx@sral.fi <oh2xx@sral.fi>
P=E4iv=E4: 2000-05-24 18:45
Aihe: score for CCF

>Our M/M group - S52Z decieded to give points to CCF. It is around =
>We hope that we'll help you with winning the WPX club competition!
>Goran ANDRIC, S55OO

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                  CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST -- 2000

      Call:      S52Z
      Category:  Multi Multi
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      SSB=20
      Country:   Slovenia


      160      313      634   2.0       70
       80      762     1815   2.4      160
       40     1073     3298   3.1      154
       20     2087     4351   2.1      327
       15     2498     6030   2.4      404
       10     2694     7128   2.6      316

     Totals   9427    23256   2.5     1431  =3D   33,279,336

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: S51TA, S53BB, S53BU, S53CC, S53MM, S53RM, S53WW, S53ZO,=20
               S55OO, S56A, S57MW, S59KW

Equipment Description: 160m: IC735, SB221 QRO, inv. L
                        80m: FT1000mp, homebrew QRO, 1/4vert., inv. V
                        40m: FT1000mp, AL1500 QRO, 4el. KLM, 4sqare =
vert., loop
                        20m: FT1000mp, KO-1.5ZX QRO, 4el. yagi, 4el quad
                        15m: TS850, Redifon II QRO, 4/4yagi, 5el. yagi
                        10m: IC775dsp, Emtron QRO, 5/5yagi, 5el. yagi

Club Affiliation: Finland Contest Club

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature: Goran ANDRIC

                            Mestni trg 7
                            1230 Domzale
                            SLOVENIJA - EUROPE


FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ccffaq.html
Submissions:              ccf@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ccf-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ccf@contesting.com