[CCF] Fw: [CQ-Contest] N1MM Logger Beta Program Notice.

Marko Holmavuo marko.holmavuo@ps1.pspt.fi
Sun, 10 Sep 2000 17:29:48 +0300

Uudelle kontestisoftalle etsitään beetta testaajia...
 73's JFN

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Wagner" <tomwagner@mindspring.com>
To: <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2000 6:26 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] N1MM Logger Beta Program Notice.

> We are pleased to announce that the N1MM
> Logger will be available to beta testers for the
> 2000 CQWW and ARRL SS contests.
> We are looking for 10-20 contesters would
> would like to test the software during the
> upcoming contest season.
> What's being beta-tested?
> The N1MM Logger is a contest logging
> program.  It been in development for
> the past three years.  During that time
> many features, including bandmaps, sound
> card dvk, and contact recording have
> been implemented.  Of course, the usual
> check partial and logging functions are
> there as well.  A more complete list of
> features and the help file from the program
> can be seen at:
> http://tomwagner.home.mindspring.com/n1mm.htm
> What the testers can expect:
> The program is reliable on the computer
> and rig combinations that we have tried it on.
> What we need to do is to expand the testing to
> include a greater variety of environments.
> To support the beta users, I will make fixes
> (but not enhancements), before and during the
> contest season.  I plan to operate the contests,
> but as a casual operator only, so that I can be
> available to those needing assistance.
> What we expect from the testers:
> We need you to get the program working
> on your machine at least a week prior to
> the CQ WW SSB contest.   We expect that
> some will have installation problems, but if
> everyone waits until the last minute to resolve
> them, We won't be able to help very many.
> We need you to actually use the program in
> at least two contest week-ends.  It would
> be best if you could make 300+ contacts on two or
> more weekends to give the program a good
> testing.  The software is especially good for
> SOA efforts.
> We need detailed problem reports.  One email
> per report is fine, just report 'em as you find them.
> The more detail you can give, the easier
> it will be to find and fix the problem.  We
> will also need to know the severity of the problem,
> i.e. is it a show-stopper.  Because this is a
> beta-test, I would not recommend that one use
> the software in a very serious effort.
> General Information:
> The N1MM Logger is freeware.  Once the beta
> testing is complete and fixes have been applied,
> the software will be released to the public domain.
> Both the source and run-time versions of the code
> will be released.
> Please let me know if you are interested in participating
> in this beta program.  Thanks.
> 73,
> Tom - N1MM
> tomwagner@mindspring.com
> P.S. Please forward this email to other contesters you
> think might be interested in this software.
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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