[CCF] *First notice!*: The 7th International Contest/DX meeting in FINLAND, on 19-21 January, 2001!

Pasi Luoma-aho pasi.luoma-aho@sysopen.fi
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 10:53:53 +0300

* The 7th International Contest / DX meeting in FINLAND, on 19-21
January, 2001! *

Dear fellow Contesters / DXers!   Welcome to mid-winter *tropic* in

Contest Club Finland (CCF) is glad to once again call all the contesters
/ DXers around the whole contesting / DXing world to come and join the
great contesting / DXing company and atmosphere in the CCF’s 7th annual
Contest / DX meeting, held on 19-21 January, 2001.

Please book already now the weekend just before CQ 160m CW 2001 contest
for visiting this  great and unforgettable contest / DX event!

And why… here’s why:

This time the meeting will be held in a *tropical* environment in
Tampere Spa Hotel, about 150 km North of Helsinki.  If you have earlier
been afraid of the possible low mid-January temperatures in these
northern latitudes, we can guarantee you don’t have to worry about that
this time – at least not too much. ;-)

Come and enjoy the great contest / DX related presentations by world top
class contesters / DXers, not to mention the excellent “rag-chewing”
company of all the fellows so familiar to you from all those big
pile-ups!   Last time we had already 40+ foreign visitors from CT, DL,
ES, G, HA, JA, LA, OZ, UA, SM, W, YL and ZS, not to forget the 100+
OH/OH0 contesters / DXers.

This time we will again start with an enjoyable “gettogether” on Friday
evening.  Saturday will be our “day of presentations” (all in English),
and when Saturday evening arrives - it’s “party time”!  Sunday is more
or less the day of getting back home, but depending on your
time-schedules, possibly we can arrange some activities for you on
Sunday, too.

All the activities are planned to take place in the Tampere Spa Hotel.
We will have a bigger “quota” of rooms to be reserved at Hotel
Lapinkaari next door, about 150m from the Spa. Hotel Lapinkaari is a
course-hotel with quite decent and reasonably priced rooms (around
190-200,- FIM per person/night in a double-room, breakfast included).
If you want something more special, you might consider the luxory
apartments at the Spa Hotel.  There are lots of luxory apartment suites
from 35m2 to 95m2, and we will have a quota of few apartments for 4-5
people reserved also there.  Why don’t you take the whole family and/or
some of your friends for a little weekend trip and let them enjoy the
pools and baths for the whole weekend!

The easiest way to reach Tampere from Europe and overseas is an
airplane. There are five (5) daily SAS flights from Stockholm to Tampere
on weekdays and vice versa.  The special SAS code for the CCF-meeting
will be announced soon.

More details of the meeting, agenda, accommodation, flights, prices,
etc. will be announced later.  While you QRX, you can learn more of what
to be expected by checking the last meeting’s agenda, some nice
pictures, and the feedback received, on CCF’s home page:
http://ccf.contesting.com .

More info of the city of Tampere, Tampere Spa Hotel, and Hotel
Lapinkaari, can be found on web :

http://www.tampere.fi  (City of Tampere)
http://www.tampereenkylpyla.fi  (Tampere Spa Hotel, )
http://www.lapinkaari.com  (Hotel Lapinkaari / pages only in Finnish at
the moment, sri)

** IMPORTANT NOTE **:  If you happen to have some contest related
stories or presentations you would like to share with us all, let us
know!  The agenda is still quite “dynamic”. ;-)

Please forward this and the coming information to your fellow contesters
/ DXers via e-mail, www-pages, packet, bulletins, newsletters, qsos,
“eye-ball”, etc.

When you decide or even plan to join our meeting, let us know of you and
your travel plans as soon as possible.

73 & cu in FINLAND on 19-21 January, 2001!

de Pasi OH2IW  -  Contest Club Finland (CCF)

For more info, please e-mail to:  oh2iw@sral.fi

******* REMEMBER Scandinavian Activity Contest – SAC ********

CW:  September 16, 1200 UTC to September 17, 1200 UTC
SSB: September 23, 1200 UTC to September 24, 1200 UTC

Rules : http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/sacnsc.htm   (Tnx SM3CER)


FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ccffaq.html
Submissions:              ccf@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ccf-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ccf@contesting.com