[CCF] OH2U - SAC 2000 CW - Multi/Single

Pasi Luoma-aho pasi.luoma-aho@sysopen.fi
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 18:37:12 +0300

                    SAC 2000 CW - SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 16-Sep-00, 17-Sep-00

    Callsign Used : OH2U

         Operator : OH1JT,OH2BVI,OH2HE,OH2IW,OH2LUR/ES2RR,

         Category : Multi/Single

 Default Exchange : 599 #


          Address :
   City/State/Zip : Paksalo
          Country : FINLAND

        Team/Club : CCF

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries

   80        238         237        501        42
   40        423         412        934        56
   20        594         581       1376        64
   15        396         392        983        56
   10         96          95        220        35

 Totals     1747        1717       4014       253

    Final Score = 1015542 points.


The heavy winds and lightnings had hit our instruments and horns
somewhat badly this summer, so we have been rebuilding our multi/multi
at OH2U a lot during the last few weeks. The work still continued on the
SAC CW weekend, and we finally had to admit that the orchestra will not
be ready for multi/multi in SAC CW this time.  Should we play
multi/single instead?  Now that was not an easy decision to make…  How
do you play multi/single anyway…?

There we were - 10 philharmonics ready for M/M, and only one instrument
to share instead of five. That was not good for the motivation. Finally
- after quite some mental wrestling - the gallup showed:  “What the heck
– let’s just play it!”!   There would be more competition in M/S anyway.

A few guys started concentrating to the M/S concert, while the others
went back to the woods and towers and stage to continue the repair and
building work, hoping to get the setup ready for the SSB concert.  At
this point, less than two hours to the show, we were still repairing the
instruments, the 20m horns had high SWR, all cables, keyboards and
computers were disconnected, etc. etc.  There was still a lot to be put
in tune.

Got one instrument tuned 20 min before the show. Not too much time to
check the bands, so we decided to try to get a fast start on 20m and
continued setting up a  multiplier instrument. Luckily our entrance was
very good, which raised the spirit also in the chore. It took a while to
have the multiplier instrument also joining the show and then it was
time to start rolling those multipliers. We did not have any DX cluster
connection this time, so we rolled only the mults we worked or found
others to be working/rolling.

We did not work any US on 80m and not too many on other bands either.
Meeting more Asians than North Americans in the audience is quite rare,
but that is what happened this time.

Here are our continental statistics:

                 80   40   20   15   10   ALL  percent

North America     0   40   53   54    1   148    8.5
South America     1   16    9    4    5    35    2.0
Europe          211  310  376  196   64  1157   66.2
Asia             23   50  145  129   21   368   21.1
Africa            3    2    3    3    3    14    0.8
Oceania           0    5    8   10    2    25    1.4

We were lucky to have (almost) two artists on the stage most of the
concert time, although the gang seemed to enjoy the outdoor activities
quite a lot also in the evening.  Anyway, the orchestra is now well
warmed up and ready to give a show in M/M next weekend.  Looking forward
to have a nice competition with OH1F, OH1X and SK3W.

On behalf of the Philharmonics,

73 de Pasi OH2IW & Kari OH2XX

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