[CCF] SAC SSB 2000 2000

pentti.jutila@nokia.com pentti.jutila@nokia.com
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:17:20 +0300

     Call used: OH8VJ                                        Location:     
     Category: Single Op Single Band      Mode:SSB
     Callsign of Operator: OH8VJ 
     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
     Exchanged Information: OH8VJ RST nr
     Hours of Operation: 17:37
     band      QSOs      points    mults
      80          0           0       0
      40          0           0       0
      20          0           0       0
      15       1393        3768      84
      10          0           0       0
     TOTAL     1393        3768      84      SCORE: 316,512
     Club or Team Name: OH6AAH
     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for
     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to the
     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of the
     contest committee.
     Date__28.9.00_ Signature_Pentti Jutila_______________ Call_OH8VJ______
     Name: Pentti Jutila  Call: OH8VJ 
           Honkolantie 181
           Huutomaki, Finland            , FIN  44160  

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ccffaq.html
Submissions:              ccf@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ccf-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ccf@contesting.com