jukka.klemola@nokia.com jukka.klemola@nokia.com
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 14:40:41 +0300

1623 calls, 5 (U or B), ( 0.3%), 22 (U+1 or B or N) ( 1.4%)
816 cross-checked, 17 not-in-log.
NIL QSO points removed (no possible logs) = 52 (5 QSOs).
BAD QSO points removed = 28 (3 QSOs).


OH0V Aland Is.  2000 CQ WW - Phone - May 27, 2001  17:05, Monday, 28-May-01
3316 station logs, 3606715 QSOs, 111581 calls, 46225 common, 65356 unique

 CALLS    COM    U+B  %U+B  1BN  %1BN   QPts  Zn  CTY  BScore  FileName
 -----    ---    ---  ----  ---  ----   ----  --  ---  ------  --------
$ 1623   1618      5   0.3   22   1.4   3555  37  139   625680  OH0V.10

Score totals with NIL and Bad call penalties factored in are shown below.
Four times the expected QSO-point credit, plus multiplier credit, was
removed for all "-B" or "-N" callsigns listed above. No credit is lost
for "N" or "U" calls.

& 1615                                  3475  37  139   611600  OH0V.10
-0.5%    -2.3%


2719 calls, 25 (U or B), ( 0.9%), 40 (U+1 or B or N) ( 1.5%)
1156 cross-checked, 19 not-in-log.
Lost countries (B or N) : HB0 CT
NIL QSO points removed (no possible logs) = 32 (6 QSOs).
BAD QSO points removed = 152 (16 QSOs).


OH0V Aland Is.  2000 CQWW - CW - January 24, 2001  05:18, Sunday, 24-Jun-01
2925 station logs, 3235483 QSOs, 79142 calls, 30823 common, 48319 unique

 CALLS    COM    U+B  %U+B  1BN  %1BN   QPts  Zn  CTY  BScore  FileName
 -----    ---    ---  ----  ---  ----   ----  --  ---  ------  --------
$ 2719   2694     25   0.9   40   1.5   6382  38  137  1116850  OH0V.10

Score totals with NIL and Bad call penalties factored in are shown below.
Four times the expected QSO-point credit, plus multiplier credit, was
removed for all "-B" or "-N" callsigns listed above. No credit is lost
for "N" or "U" calls.

& 2697                                  6198  38  135  1072254  OH0V.10
-0.8%    -4.0%

Muun käsitän paitsi sen kun en ollut lokissa kahdella kertoimella CW osassa.


CCF on WWW:               http://www.qsl.net/ccf/
Submissions:              ccf@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ccf-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ccf@contesting.com