Fwd:[CCF] Fw: [TOEC] SAC2000 - Comments

Juho Salonen juho.salonen@nic.fi
Mon, 06 Aug 2001 16:57:36 +0100

On se kummaa miten vaan suomalaisten  logisoftat antaa 
väärin sarjanumerot ... onkohan ruottissa eri versio ct:stä ...

Juho (hylätty tottakai ...) 

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On 6.8.2001 at 10:24 Klimoff Timo wrote:

>>> I'm also VERY sorry I had to disqualify OH1X and OH2U in the CW part and
>>OH1F, OH1X, OH2U and OH4RH in the SSB part. I hope there will be no hard
>>feelings, because there was nothing else to do in this case! All six
>>stations had a huge amount of wrong sent serial numbers in their logs -
>>between 17-70% of their QSOs! The difference between the sent number and the
>>received number could be between 1-3. (They could send for instance 599123 -
>On se niin hienoa olla kahdesti SAC:ssa diskattu, ensin norjalaisten toimesta
>(LA9HW) ja nyt ruotsalaisten toimesta.
>Ja kaikki tämä vain koska CT antaa vääriä sarjanumeroita!
>Eivät silti saaneet maaotteluvoittoa.
>Per***n ruotsalaiset ...
>73, Timo OH1NOA
>OH1F gang
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