[CCF] Fw: BOUNCE ccf@contesting.com : Non-member submission from [Toivo.Hallikivi@nokia.com]

Timo Timo" <timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 16:45:32 +0300

approved: ccf.admin
Subject: EUHFC OH2U HP Mixed
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 13:55:40 +0300
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                           EUROPEAN HFC SUMMARY SHEET

     Contest Date : 04-Aug-01

    Callsign Used : OH2U
         Operator : ES2RR

         Category : HP Mixed

 Default Exchange : 59(9) 82

             Name : Toivo Hallikivi
          Address : c/o Pekka Mikkila, OH2HE
   City/State/Zip : Koisjarvi
          Country : Finland

        Team/Club : Contest Club Finland

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Zones

  160CW       55          54         54        29
   80CW      102         102        102        45
   80SSB      44          44         44         3
   40CW      124         122        122        46
   40SSB      91          91         91         7
   20CW      209         206        206        49
   20SSB     257         256        256         5
   15CW      128         125        125        43
   15SSB     111         111        111         9
   10CW       81          79         79        23
   10SSB      75          75         75        25

 Totals     1277        1265       1265       284

    Final Score = 359260 points.


 Lot's of great CW operators! Tried to pay more attention to "quality" this
 time. Double checked every call sign that was not in my master DB, which
 probably cost me some time and was rather frustrating to the people calling
 me in the pile-up. Hope it was worth while.

 Many thanks again to the host, Pekka, OH2HE. Special thanks to Juha, OH1JT,
 for fixing the technical problem.

 I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
 for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct and true to the best
 of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards

 Date __28.08.2001__   Signed __Toivo Hallikivi_________  Call __ES2RR____

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Submissions:              ccf@contesting.com
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