[CCF] D68C - Update 20-Feb-01

harri.mantila@nokia.com harri.mantila@nokia.com
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 12:28:40 +0200

Ovat kaverit takoneet QSOja! Abt 126000 QSOa 20.2.2001...

Hieno uusi QSO enn�tys!

Harry OH6YF

D68C DX Pedition Report 20-Feb-01 from G3WGV, edited by HS0/G3NOM

Pilot report, 20-Feb-01

We have been very busy with the contest and trying to keep the other
operational.  In the contest (ARRL CW)
we made 4,653 QSOs and in the process took the Africa multi-two record by a
significant margin.

Meanwhile, we have been very active on the WARC bands and also on 14/28 RTTY
and PSK.  Unfortunately the QSO
rates are much lower and as I write this we are at 126,000 QSOs
(I suppose it s not too unreasonable
that the rate will be coming down with that many in the log already!).

Some general points:

-        Satellite.  We will not be doing any satellite operation.  The
original plan was to use AO40 but that is not
available to us.  The window of opportunity for AO10 is small and the view
our satellite guys is that it is not worth
the effort with so much else going on.  We realise that this will be a
disappointment to the satellite fraternity and
apologise for setting expectations that we could not deliver on.

-         Logs.  Attached herewith the complete log, from start of
including ARRL CW contest QSOs, up to
about 1600Z today.

-         160/80.  We have taken down three of the 4-square antennas so we
have the Titanex and one 80m quarter
wave.  The intention is to do A/B comparisons on 80m and also to be able to
operate both bands when conditions
permit.  Last night the static was very bad and we made almost no QSOs on
160m.  80m fared little better and even
40m was hard work.

-         HF.  We think there must have been some pretty severe disturbances
recently.  Conditions are strange to say
the least, with signals coming at us from the wrong direction, or not at

 -       Re little pistols.  We are working all we can hear.  Sometimes it
really hard to hear anything at all with all the
static.  Tell the LPs to hang in there& we ll work them if we possibly can.

-         Bouquets.  Much appreciated the guys are very tired but the good
words help make it all worthwhile.

-         Records:  We believe we have secured the following records:  Total
QSOs, CW QSOs, SSB QSOs, 40m QSOs,
17m QSOs, 15m QSOs, 12m QSOs, 10m QSOs, QSOs in first 24H, QSOs in the first
week and total uniques .  We think
we will also get the RTTY and PSK records, plus FM (though there probably is
no record to break on that mode).

As I write this we are QRV on RTTY (two stations), CW, SSB and FM.  We re
still going for it!

73, John.


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