[CCF] Fw: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW CW

Teemu S Korhonen Teemu S Korhonen" <hamradio@svessa.se
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 12:29:12 +0100

Neiger's Tigers  vs. World & CCF

/Teemu SM0WKA
in contest SM0W, SK0X
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Neiger" <n6tj@sbcglobal.net>
To: <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>
Cc: <n6tj@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 1:58 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW CW

> Admiral Scott Redd, aka K0DQ, has declared that a State of War exists
> between his Neiger's Tigers Team No.1 and the erstwhile Team No. 2,
> championed by N6TJ.
> It seems that Redd, trying to re-live his glory days from 30 years ago
> (anyone remember XE1IIJ, 6D1AA, etc etc?), thinks he is still trying to
> re-do the legendary battles between him and Neiger circa 1971/72.  C'mon,
> Scott - GET OVER IT.
> Being the gracious sport that he is, Neiger has accepted Redd's challenge,
> and the two of chosen TEAMS for the CQ WW CW frenzy.  The teams were
> and fairly chosen, and to the victors will go the spoils:
>    TEAM NO. 1              TEAM NO. 2
> K0DQ @ P40Q           N6TJ @ ZD8Z
> CT1BOH @ PT5T       K6NA @ EA9LS
>  W2GD @ P40W         F6BEE @ CN2JS
> AA3B @ V26K           N6ZZ @ RW0F
> K4BAI @ 8P9Z           N6AA @ VE3EJ
> The Las Vegas line is evenly split, but since Redd's team has the only
> operator under 50 (CT1BOH), early odds are leaning that way.
> In addition to battling one another, the Teams are, by the way, taking on
> the RTW (rest of the world), and expect the usual potent challenge from
> Contest Club of Finland (CCF).
> And not to be out-done, several more Neiger's Tigers Teams have been
> and are expected to rank high in the Team Standings:
>     TEAM NO. 3                                TEAM NO. 4
>          KQ2M                                      DL2OBF/MU (Guernsey)
>    K3TEJ @ VP5G                                  NA2U
>    N9RV @ W9RE                                  W7GG
>           K8DX                                      KH6ND @ KH7R
>           K8GL                                              W6TK
>                   TEAM NO. 5
>                      XE1RGL
> Right now, Guillermo (RGL) is feeling rather lonely on his one man team,
> is expecting others to join-up.  If you are so inclined, e-mail the
> undersigned BEFORE this Saturday, or listen for ZD8Z beginning 11/19,
> generally after 1900Z, 21250 or 28490.  Final teams will be registered
> Friday, just before the contest.
> Meanwhile, drop by and give Redd and Neiger Teams your votes of
> and, uh, POINTS!  It should be more than obvious we need the help.
> Vy 73
> Jim Neiger
> N6TJ
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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Submissions:              ccf@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ccf-REQUEST@contesting.com
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