[CCF] Tulkinta-apua.....
Sun, 25 Nov 2001 12:54:41 +0200 (EET)
OH5LF 7.0 MHZ 335Q/76C/18Z, 00-06Z 24/11/01
Kerran aiemmin on tullut keskeytettyä, kun 1994
oli samanlainen myrsky. Kusot oli tiukassa, kaikki
azimuth 270 pohjoisempaa tulivat eteläistä reittiä.
Ei siinä auttanneet stakatut antennitkaan.
Piti laittaa OH7MA:n ennätys koetukseen, mutta
toisin kävi. Ensi vuonna uudestaan? Toivottavasti
sunnuntai oli parempi ja CCF-kuso kulki. EA8EA:n
ja OA4O:n meno oli ainakin vauhdikasta ja kelit piti huolen
siitä, että etelän asemille riitti kysyntää/tilaa.
Tulihan käytyä Sysmässä (TNX OH5LF)...
73 Ilkka
Lainaus sivulta:
Last update November 25, 2001 at 03:40 UTC.
Long distance medium wave (AM) band propagation along east-west paths over high
and upper middle latitudes is useless.
The geomagnetic field was unsettled to extremely severe storm on November 24.
Solar wind speed ranged between 420 and 1002 km/sec. Two separate solar wind
shocks were observed at SOHO, the first one at about 04:20 with an increase in
solar wind speed from 460 to 590 km/sec (the source of this shock may have been
a halo CME observed on Nov.21). The second and most significant shock was
exceptionally strong at 05:33 UTC with solar wind speed increasing abruptly
from 540 to 730 km/sec and later on increasing to 1000 km/sec (the source of
this was mainly the halo CME observed after the M9 proton flare from region
9704 late on Nov.22, just above 30 hours in transit). Intense geomagnetic
storming was observed, particularly during the 07-08h UTC interval when many
magnetometers were subjected to K9 fluctuations. The major part of the
geomagnetic storm was over by 16h UTC.
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