[CCF] Fw: [3830] EU Sprint SSB OG1F(OH1NOA) HP

Timo Timo" <timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi
Sun, 7 Oct 2001 11:08:40 +0300

Ainoa workittu OH oli OH4RH, joten CW-osaan jää saldoon vielä parannettavaa ... Jalkapallon MM-karsinnat saattoivat vaikuttaa aktiveettiin Euroopassa, mutta 71 qsoa 20m:lla on suhteellisen hyvä lukema tässä kisassa (workin M0SDX:n(UT0U) samaan aikaan kun Ukraina pelasi Puolaa vastaan - olikohan Sergey ottanut sairaslomaa California QSO Partya varten :))-

73 Timo OH1NOA

>                      EU Sprint - SSB
> Call: OG1F
> Operator: OH1NOA
> Station: OH1AF
> Power: HP
> QTH: Pori
> Summary:
>  Band     QSOs  Op Time
> ----------------------
>    80:     22   1
>    40:     60   1,5
>    20:     71   1,5
> ----------------------
> Total Score:    153
> Club/Team: Contest Club Finland
> Comments:
> TS-850SAT, Alpha 91b
> 80m inv V, GP
> 40m 3/2el yagis, dipole
> 20m 4/4el yagis, 4el yagi
> I lost this game big way on 80 meters. Nobody outside of Baltic Sea region 
> wanted to hear me. So maybe 1kW and inv V at 25 meters is not enough ... :)
> I hope that CW will be better.
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> --
> FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
> Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
> Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com

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